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Archive for February, 2019|Monthly archive page

Happy New Year (late, as usual)

In Uncategorized on February 18, 2019 at 8:15 pm

I haven’t posted in this blog in something over four years.  I’m an old guy with a very ordinary life, so I figured there was no real interest in whatever I’ve got going on.

My daughter, Sara Barnes, inadvertently changed my viewpoint.  Sara has a real life as a famous person in the art / illustration / embroidery areas.  She also has a real blog here and a real Instagram account with thousands of followers.  She also has a book coming out this summer.  Yeah, I’m a proud dad.  So what?

Anyway, Sara gave each of her parents a “StoryWorth” project as a gift.  Or punishment.  StoryWorth asks questions about your life, upbringing, etc. and ultimately uploads your responses into book form.  For specific questions, this blog allowed me to relive events, and thereupon it dawned on me: this blog is for me!  With the magic of ad-supported user content, WordPress is nice enough to host my indulgence.

So, in the same format as my last entry, following is a recap of (mostly) running stuff in 2018.

January.  Had a trabeculectomy (eye surgery) on January 4.  Doc said no running, but walking was OK.  Walked a marathon in Vegas on Jan 20.  Not sure that’s what the doc intended.

February. Just getting back to running, did the inaugural Sun Marathon (Veyo to Ivins) in 5:09 using a walk / run strategy.

Did the 48 hour in the Jackpot Ultra Running Festival in Vegas.  i can no longer do 100 miles in 24 hours, so the 48 hour gives me double the time.  Did 67.5 miles day one, stopping about 1 AM, came back in the morning and did 32.5, stopping at 4 PM.  Came back early Sunday for another 6.5 miles, total 106.5.


The start of Jackpot. Hey, it’s Vegas, right?

K came to Vegas on the last day of Jackpot and we saw Elton John. Great concert by a legend. An arrogant legend, but a legend indeed.

March.  Daisy Mountain half in Phoenix in 1:58.  We were there for Spring Training baseball, of course.  Our hapless KC Royals trained in Surprise, AZ en route to a miserable 58-104 season in 2018.

The canines love to go to the Surprise city park.

The backyard of our Surprise rental, fake grass and all.

April.  Double DNS, Brew to Brew and Rock the Parkway in KC.  Horrific weather put the kibash on both.

Dwight Yoakam came to Tuachan in Ivins. Kinda cold and windy for April.

May.  Nanny Goat 12 hour in Riverside, CA.  Finished with 53 miles in very good conditions, decent for me.

Dudes in pink have their own scoring system. One point per mile, 1.5 points per beer.

This nice fella greeted me as “Hey Baldy” every time we met. Which on a loop course with an out-and-back was pretty often.

June.  Running with the Devil marathon outside Vegas.  My 5:44 time should be evaluated in light of the 100 degree temps at the end.

July.  Too hot to race in the southwest, time for a trip to the mountains then on to KC.

The canines enjoyed the trip to Silverthorne and lounging on the tiny deck outside our tiny condo.

Dillon Reservoir, Dillon CO.  K and Bailey, obviously.

Bailey being a gentle therapy dog? Believe it! Visiting K’s mom Wilma in KC.

August.  Extraterrestrial Marathon in Area 51 near Rachel, NV.  Starts at midnight at the Black Mailbox. Fun event, time 5:02.  Hey, I’m old and it was the middle of the night!

This was taken waiting for the bus for the 2.5 hour ride to the middle of nowhere. I’m sure this guy won for the best costume.

September. New event in St. George, the “Last One Standing.”  Modeled after Lazarus Lake’s “Backyard Ultra,” the format is you have to complete six miles in 90 minutes, then do it over and over each 90 minutes.  Speed is not terribly beneficial, other than providing some rest time for each segment.  Hot, 90+ degrees at the 7 PM Friday night start.  I did seven segments (42 miles) in 10.5 hours, stopping at 5:30 AM.  Winner did double that total extending well into the heat of Saturday.

Night running at the Last One Standing event. The crowd thinned out in the wee hours of the morning.

Devil After Dark half marathon in Lovell Canyon outside Vegas.  Time of 2:07 was good for second male overall?

Swiss Days 5k (a distance not my specialty!) in 23:22, second in age group.  Interloper from the Bay Area got first.

October.  By far the big event of the year was daughter Sara marrying Chris Windham in local Snow Canyon State Park.  Just a really fun, happy time.

Family photo pre-wedding. A lovely day in Snow Canyon State Park, and a great time with family and friends.

Maddie was the ring bearer and performed flawlessly. But what else would you expect from Mads?

Bailey was the original choice for ring-bearer, but she is a bit…..excitable. She was the head greeter of guests.


Ran with Sara in the Twilight Red Rock event in Red Rock Canyon outside Vegas the week before the wedding.  Night time, sorta hilly course and the batteries in my light went dead just after the start.  My modest 2:08 was good for first male over 50.

November.  Boundiful Endurance Run in Hemet, CA.  Did 50 miles in 12 hours on a roasting hot day (90 degrees plus).  Ran with a long-haired, kilt wearing, beer drinking philosopher.  While I was whining, he said, “It’s like 12 hours out of your life.  Just deal with it, man.”

Boundiful is held on a working nut farm in Hemet, CA. It was actually chilly in the morning until the sun rose into the sky.

Gobbler 10k on Thanksgiving Day.  Ran 47:45, my best time in years at the distance, won my elderly age group.

December.  Across the Years, my original fixed time favorite.  After years of struggling with 24 hours, I entered the 48 hour version starting on December 30.  Plan was to emulate Jackpot, splitting my 100 mile goal approximately 70-30 between days.  But the forecast called for a cold rain on December 31, so I channeled my kilt-wearing philosopher friend to “just deal with it, man,” and did 100 straight through.  Well, I tried to get a couple of 15 minute naps.  I hit 100 miles at 25:57, went back to the rental house and slept, drank beer, ate pizza, and watched football.  Came back the last morning and added another eight miles for a total of 108.

Maddie enjoying our swank rental in Surprise, AZ. Cold temps meant none of us got too near the pool.

That sweet moment when I finally hit 100 miles. It was a long night.

Overall, I continue to be incredibly lucky: great family, (including my Goldens, Maddie and Bailey), good health, just enjoying life.

Gratuitous picture of my beloved Goldens, Maddie and Bailey.

The canines like the convertible, and they like to go to the park. Life is simple.